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The Celestial Medium: Connecting you to your loved ones in spirit

Find clarity and peace with a spiritual reading.


​About Celestial Medium

Everyone is born with the ability to "connect" to all energy, spirits, and to the Source (God). The Celestial Medium, Niyah, started seeing spirits at a young age, she is a natural intuitive. She continues to train with some of the best mediums in the world to hone her skills and further develop her unique abilities. She is also a Master Usui Reiki and Sekhem Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing practitioner. Her experience and training make her one of the most promising up and coming mediums. The Celestial Medium receives information from your loved ones and the Source; she is psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and claircognizant (seeing, hearing, knowing).


What to Expect

Before Your Reading

Breathe and relax right before your session! I must tap into your energy in order to connect to your loved ones. To do so, you must be relaxed and come with an open heart and mind to this experience.


Mediums are vessel's. Like radio receivers, we receive energetic information from spirits, in whatever form and order they appear. As a receiver, it may take fine tuning to get to the correct channel. Once we find the right channel, the information flows. Remember, the best mediums can get 90% accurate information on their best day! 


I am not aware of who will come in or what will be shared. If someone doesn’t appear, know that it is not personal! However, if you wish to hear from a specific person, a day or two before your reading, you should set an intention for them to come to your session.


Should advice be provided from spirit, you are responsible for what you do with this advice.


The Celestial Medium has the natural ability to connect with spirits and obtain evidential information and is an exceptional medium.


In addition to Niyah's ability to channel your loved ones on the other side of the veil, the Celestial Medium offers intuitive psychic readings. However, she does not foretell the future (no one can 100%), she sees what is currently in your spirit and path. She can often tell you about past lives and what is needed for you to align with your soul.


Furthermore, Niyah is an energy healer and provides Reiki services. It is believed that she was a healer in past lives, beginning in ancient Egypt. She uses both Usui Reiki and Seichem during Reiki sessions.


Sessions are by appointment only and are done by Zoom video. Upon confirming an appointment time, you will receive an email with a calendar invite. 

My Spiritual  Philosophy

"We came whirling out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust… The stars made a circle, and in the middle, we dance." - Rumi


Nearly all the elements in the human body were made from stars. Like stars, we are born souls of light and energy. Each of us carries the ability to connect to the greater energy field created by God, the Source. Energy does not die, it transforms. Our loved ones' energy and consciences are still with us. We can also tap into the Source to provide healing to others.


I serve as a vessel for Spirit and spirits who have lost their voice in this world. My goal is that through a reading with me, you walk away healed, knowing that your ancestors and loved ones are still with you, and that God is real, as is divine order.


African American Black Medium Reiki Healer

M.J. , CA

“It was an enjoyable session with positive energy and brought back nice memories. Especially about my wedding day! The evidence regarding my last birthday gift left my mouth wipe open! Thank you!".

E.C., NY

"Niya was spot on with my loved one in spirit, was able to connect with specific language and phrases he used and had his essence with her for sure! Down to his hand gestures. She had names and recognized other relationships in spirit right away. I am also a medium and i can truly say, you are the real deal! Really well done...".

B.P., MI

“This was one of the best readings and connections with my loved one in spirit. you do not realise how good you are, how specific and how it provided undeniable proof that you were connected with him. If we weren't on camera, I'd probably cry my eyes out - that is how happy it made me. And saying the exact words that he said to me, when he passed over, that is huge and just amazing. I am deeply grateful...”.

Get in Touch

Have a quick question? Shoot us an email! Please do not ask specific questions prior to your reading.

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